2022 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing and Computer Science(SPCS 2022)
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  • Agenda of SPCS 2022

The 2022 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing and Computer Science(SPCS 2022)will be held on August 19-21, 2022 in Qingdao, China. The following information about the schedule is for your reference:

Aug.2009:00-12:00Speeches of Keynote Speakers
14:00-17:30Oral Presentations
Aug.2109:00-18:00Academic Investigation

* The outline program is shown on this page. A more detailed program will be emailed to you after registration deadline. Actual time arrangement may be a little different according to participant numbers.

Instruction for Oral Presentations

1. Timing: a maximum of 15 minutes total, including speaking time and discussion. Please make sure your presentation is well timed. Please keep in mind that the program is full and that the speaker after you would like their allocated time available to them.

2. You can use CD or USB flash drive (memory stick), make sure you scanned viruses in your own computer. Each speaker is required to meet her/his session chair in the corresponding session rooms 10 minutes before the session starts and copy the slide file(PPT or PDF) to the computer. 

3. It is suggested that you email a copy of your presentation to your personal inbox as a backup. If for some reason the files can’t be accessed from your flash drive, you will be able to download them to the computer from your email. 

4. Please note that each session room will be equipped with an LCD projector, screen, point device, microphone, and a laptop with general presentation software such as Microsoft PowerPoint and Adobe Reader. Please make sure that your files are compatible and readable with our operation system by using commonly used fronts and symbols. If you plan to use your own computer, please try the connection and make sure it works before your presentation. 

5. Movies: If your PowerPoint files contain movies please make sure that they are well formatted and connected to the main files.


Instructions for Poster Presentations

1. Maximum poster size is 59.4 CM wide by 84.1 CM high(A1). 

2. Posters are required to be condensed and attractive. The characters should be large enough so that they are visible from 1 meter apart. 

3. Please note that during your poster session, the author should stay by your poster paper to explain and discuss your paper with visiting delegates.